OH, what bliss! calories are NOT sky-high AND it is fantastic! I have never been a nuts and twigs person, but your granola has me feeling like a Euell Gibbons fanatic. Just ordered some directly from you, having purchased it in GA and finding none up to today in my sweet home Alabama! Cannot wait for its arrival!"
We'd like to think our granola makes for a happier, healthier you
Our popularity is not only a testament to how great our granola recipe is, but is almost entirely by accident. A recipe years in the making, friends and family insisted on bringing our unique blend of organic oats, flax, and all the good stuff to the masses. Over time we have created both our classic granola and ultra-portable Trail Bites in a range of flavors, including special blends for those with nut allergies or sugar-free diets. We think baking granola this way is the right way, and hope that after your first bag you’ll agree.